Hi there!

This is Artem, one of the creators of Steamlikes. I have an important message for you, dear user, where we’re going to discuss monetization.

Since our relaunch, we've fully covered all the operational costs of the project. It's always been an exciting venture where we can explore our interests, like hypnosis, and other things. Now, the time has come for Steamlikes to not only consume resources, but also generate revenue.

We tried launching a Patreon project, but struggled in offering enough value to our Patrons. The initiative wasn’t popular, so we decided to close it.

It's important to us to keep the core features of Steamlikes free forever. That’s why we're proposing a shift in our business model: we're considering offering advertising to our target audience of developers and publishers on Steam.

Let’s talk about benefits:

  • As I mentioned, our core audience is publishers and developers on Steam. These individuals are truly engaged and might be interested in clicking on an ad banner and making a purchase.
  • Yes, our audience is not large, but they are passionate about discovering new services, opportunities, and other offerings.

We genuinely respect our audience, which is why we cannot accept any non-relevant offers.

For more details, pricing information, or just to have a chat, drop me an email at korotemich@gmail.com.